
残務整理に追われていますが、11/6, 7に農場どないすんねん研究会(NDK)の一員として、第3回の酪農未来塾のお手伝いをしてきました。




I have been busy these days since I helped a workshop concerning the future of dairy farmers, which was third time being held in 6 and 7 November.

Although this workshop was hard to prepare, there were a lots of harvest even for me.

But, I want to have a rest with my family more.

I have been busy these days since I helped a workshop concerning the future of dairy farmers, which was being held for the third time on November 6th and 7th.

Although this workshop was hard to prepare, there was a lot to learn, even for me.

I want to rest with my family now though.

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