2019/1/19 人の尿が精子に及ぼす影響を調べた古典的な文献を読んでみた


まず1978年の論文(10.1016/S0015-0282(16)43640-X)では、2名のドナー の精子を1:4で尿に混ぜ、5, 10, 15, 20分後の運動性を観察した。15~20分で大きく運動性は低下していた。また、用意した尿のOsmolalityは136~548 mOsmoles/kgと幅があり、低い場合で特に運動性が低下していた(表1)。






2019/1/16 乳牛における分娩後5日までの搾乳制限が繁殖成績に及ぼす影響のランダム化比較試験についての論文を読んでみた



  • 【背景】
  • 【目的】
    The main objective of the current study was to measure the effect of incomplete milking on luteal activity and on pregnancy hazard. We also aimed to study the effect of early-lactation hyperketonemia (i.e., β-hydroxybutyrate blood concentration ≥1.4 mmol/L during the first 3 wk in milk) on those reproductive outcomes.
  • 【材料と方法】
    2産以上のホルスタイン種経産牛853頭のランダム化比較試験。不完全搾乳では分娩後5日間、搾乳量を10~14L/dayに限定した。分娩後1~3週で血中BHB(1.4 mmol/Lを高ケトン血症の閾値とした)を、分娩後5~7週で血中プロジェステロン(1 ng/mLを有効な黄体機能の閾値とした)を測定した。
    Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 853) from 13 commercial herds were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial. Cows were assigned to a control or a treatment group, incompletely milked (10–14 L of milk collected/d) from 1 to 5 DIM. Blood samples were collected once a week during weeks in milk 1 to 3 for β-hydroxybutyrate blood concentration, and a threshold of 1.4 mmol/L was used to define hyperketonemia. During weeks in milk 5 and 7, cows were sampled for progesterone blood concentration, and a threshold of 1 ng/mL was used to define luteal activity. Reproductive information and culling dates were obtained through herd records. Logistic regression models and survival analyses were used to assess the effect of treatment on luteal activity and on pregnancy hazard, respectively. Analogous models were used to investigate the effect of early-lactation hyperketonemia on reproductive outcomes.
  • 【結果】
    不完全搾乳が黄体機能の活動に寄与するオッズ比は1.1だった(P = 0.67)。2産目だけの牛に限ると、分娩後55日以内に繁殖を開始した牛では、繁殖開始後1~21, 22~43, 44~65, 66~87, >87日の受胎リスクが、通常の搾乳方法と比較してそれぞれ、576.3 (240.0–1,383.7), 36.9 (18.9–72.1), 6.8 (3.3–13.8), 2.5 (1.0–5.9), 0.13 (0.07–0.26)倍になった。分娩後55日以降に繁殖を開始した牛では不完全搾乳による妊娠リスクへの寄与は認められなかった。初期の高ケトン血症は黄体機能と妊娠には関係していなかった。
    The odds of luteal activity for incompletely milked cows were 1.1 (95% confidence interval: 0.72–1.7) times those of conventionally milked cows. The effect of treatment on pregnancy hazard varied as a function of time, parity, and start of the breeding period. In second-parity cows that started the breeding period <55 d in milk, the pregnancy hazard (95% confidence interval) in incompletely milked cows was 576.3 (240.0–1,383.7), 36.9 (18.9–72.1), 6.8 (3.3–13.8), 2.5 (1.0–5.9), and 0.13 (0.07–0.26) times that of conventionally milked cows at 1 to 21, 22 to 43, 44 to 65, 66 to 87, and >87 d after the voluntary waiting period, respectively. The treatment did not have an effect on pregnancy hazard in cows in third parity or greater or in those starting the breeding period ≥55 d in milk. Early-lactation hyperketonemia was not associated with any of the reproductive outcomes.
  • 【結論】
    In conclusion, the incomplete milking protocol had no effect on luteal activity and had a positive effect on pregnancy hazard in second-parity cows in herds with a short voluntary waiting period (<55 d). We did not observe an effect of early-lactation hyperketonemia on luteal activity or on pregnancy hazard.

  • んーーーーーーーー~~?ほとんど影響ないの?不完全搾乳→ケトーシス予防→免疫機能改善により乳房炎予防までは成功しているけど、その先の繁殖性までの影響は大きくないようだ。でも、一つのアイデア(不完全搾乳とか)で多方面に研究を進め、そして効果がなかったこともしっかり報告する姿勢は見習わなくてはならない。


    2019/1/5 乳牛における自動活動量モニターによる発情発現が排卵のタイミング及び失敗に及ぼす影響を検討した論文を読んでみた


    さて、正月に執筆中の論文が一段落したので、久しぶりにJ. Dairy Sci.の論文読みを再開した。繁殖関連の論文しか読めていないが毎月4,5本は出るのですぐに溜まってしまう。


  • 【目的】

    The aim of this study was to determine if estrous expression, as measured by an automated activity monitor (AAM), affects timing and failure of ovulation of lactating Holstein dairy cows.

  • 【材料と方法】

    Cows were equipped with 2 AAM, 1 neck-mounted (AAMC) and 1 leg-mounted (AAML), by 10 d postpartum and enrolled into the trial when their activity crossed the alert threshold on the AAMC. A total of 850 episodes of estrus from 293 different cows were used for this study. When cows were enrolled, their ovaries were scanned by transrectal ultrasonography and gait and body condition scored. Ovaries of cows detected in estrus were scanned twice daily for a maximum of 3 d to determine the disappearance of the preovulatory follicle (ovulation) and the interval from estrus to ovulation was calculated. Physical activity data recorded from the AAM were used to determine estrus behavior using 2 traits: (1) peak activity and (2) duration. Peak activity was only available for the AAML. Peak activity was defined as the maximum activity during an estrus episode. Duration of estrus was defined as the time the activity of the cow exceeded threshold values set by the AAM software.

  • 【結果】
    AAMCによる警報のうち、87.8%は発情だった。警報から排卵までの時間は平均で25.8 ± 10.2時間(AAMC)と 24.7 ± 9.3時間(AAML)だった。どちらのAAMでも、活動量が低いと排卵までの時間が短い傾向にあった。排卵の失敗率は活動量により差があった(AAMCでの高活動量で1.9% vs. 低活動量で9.5%。AAMLでの高活動量で2.3% vs. 低活動量で6.2%。AAMCでの長活動時間で2.1% vs. 短活動時間で8.9%。)。さらに、受胎率は活動量により差があった(AAMCでの高活動量で42.3% vs. 低活動量で31.7%。AAMLでの高活動量で43.1% vs. 低活動量で36.3%。)

    The AAMC correctly identified 87.8% of the estrus alerts, with 12.2% false positives. The average (±standard deviation) intervals from activity alert to ovulation were 25.8 ± 10.2 and 24.7 ± 9.3 h for the AAMC and AAML, respectively. Changes in estrous expression were associated with differences in the interval from alert to ovulation. Cows with short intervals to ovulation were found to have less intense estrous expression than cows with medium and long length intervals to ovulation using the AAMC, whereas using the AAML, cows with short intervals to ovulation exhibited less intense estrous expression than cows with medium but the same as those with long intervals to ovulation. Furthermore, irrespective of the AAM, estrus events with less estrous expression had increased odds of having a short interval to ovulation (below the median of 20 h) when compared with those having greater estrous expression (2.6 and 1.9 increased odds for the AAMC and AAML, respectively). Ovulation failure was affected by estrous expression because estrus events with greater peak activity or longer duration had reduced ovulation failure compared with those with less estrous expression (AAMC peak activity: 1.9 ± 1.4 vs. 9.5 ± 1.7%; AAML peak activity: 2.3 ± 1.4 vs. 6.2 ± 1.5%; AAMC duration: 2.1 ± 1.4 vs. 8.9 ± 1.7%). In addition, cows with more estrous expression had greater pregnancy per artificial insemination than those with less estrous expression with both the AAMC (42.3 ± 0.4 vs. 31.7 ± 0.4%) and the AAML (43.1 ± 0.4 vs. 36.3 ± 0.4%). Pregnancy per artificial insemination results were consistent even when removing cows that failed to ovulate.

  • 【結論】

    In conclusion, expression of estrus was highly associated with ovulation timing, ovulation failure, and fertility when using 2 different AAM. Cows with greater estrous expression have longer intervals from activity alert to ovulation, experience less ovulation failure, and have greater pregnancy per artificial insemination.

  • AAMC にはHeatime, H-Tags(SCR Engineers, Netanya, Israel)を、AAMLにはBoumatic Heat-seeker-TX(Boumatic Dairy Equipment Co., Madison, WI)を使用している。活動量をモニターしているので、歩数を数えている牛歩などのシステムとはどうやら違うみたい。中身は3Dセンサーなのかな?反芻時間まで分かるみたいだからすごいなぁ。



    2018/12/22 ヒトの尿のpHと浸透圧を経口投与溶剤でコントロールしてから、尿の精子への影響を調べた論文を読んでみた

    2018/12/22 引き続きウシの精子に対する尿の影響を調べている。ヒトの尿のpHと浸透圧を経口投与溶剤でコントロールしてから、尿の精子への影響を調べた論文(10.1016/j.fertnstert.2007.04.042)を読んでみた。

  • 【目的】
    To design a new method for oral preparation of urine for sperm retrieval after retrograde ejaculation (RE) and to test the motility of sperm exposed to prepared and unprepared urine.
  • 【材料と方法】
    Design: In vitro testing of urine conditions and sperm motility.
    Setting: Assisted conception unit at a teaching hospital in the United Kingdom.
    Patient(s): Ten healthy volunteers to provide urine and sperm specimens from men attending the unit for semen analysis.
    Intervention(s): Various solutions of sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride were drunk by a single subject until a suitable regimen was achieved. This regimen (called the Liverpool solution) was then tested on 10 volunteers. Samples of sperm were then added to prepared urine, unprepared urine, and culture medium, and the motility was analyzed.
    Main Outcome Measure(s): Urinary pH and osmolarity, sperm motility.
  • 【結果】
    被験者の尿は平均pH 7.47, 平均浸透圧289 mOsm/Lという、培地と同程度の環境となった。未調整の尿で見られた精子への運動性低下は、調整された尿では軽減し、培地と同程度の運動性が得られた(図3~5)。
    Result(s): Urine produced by the 10 volunteers had a mean pH of 7.47 (range, 7.23–7.79) and a mean osmolarity of 289 mOsmol/L (range, 225–412 mOsmol/L), similar to that of medium. The progressive motility of sperm exposed to the unprepared urine was reduced (42.4% of sperm in medium), whereas that in the prepared urine was similar to that in the control medium.
  • 【結論】
    Conclusion(s): Liverpool solution can be used in any unit treating couples with RE, and it is a noninvasive and inexpensive regimen that may optimize urine pH and osmolarity for sperm survival after RE.

  • 尿のpHと浸透圧を調整してしまえば、3時間まではヒト精子は生存可能なことが示されている。尿そのものを経口投与剤で調整してしまえっていうアイデアがすごいなぁ。

    それにしても、被験者の溶液を飲んだ感想が”horrible”, “salty”, “putrid”って書かれていた。そんなの飲んだら、確実に性欲減退するよなーなんて論文の本質とは関係ないことを思ったりもした。


    2018/12/20 ヒトの精子に対する尿の影響を調べた論文を読んでみた

    2018/12/20 引き続きウシの精子に対する尿の影響を調べている。ヒトの精子に対する尿の影響を調べた論文(10.1016/S0015-0282(16)57990-4)を読んでみた。

  • 【目的】
  • 【材料と方法】
    0%, 40%, 80%, 100%の尿に精子を混ぜ、運動性、粘液での移動性、透明帯の貫通性を評価した。 また、pHと浸透圧を尿と同等へ調整した培地にも精子を混ぜ、精子機能を同様に評価した。
    Sperm were exposed to various concentrations of pooled urine in Ham’s F-IO Medium supplemented with 3.5 g% bovine serum albumin (GIBCO, Grand Island, NY) and sperm exposed to Ham’s F-IO Medium with pH and osmolality adjusted to mimic that of the urine (pH 5.4; 520 mOsm).
  • 【結果】
    All sperm variables studied were significantly decreased when the sperm were exposed to 2:40% urine. Potential of hydrogen- and osmolality-adjusted Ham’s F-lO did not significantly affect the sperm function.
  • 【結論】
    Urine is deleterious to sperm function and may involve other biochemical factors that are unrelated to pH and osmolality of urine.

  • 尿に入っている何らかの成分が精子の機能に害を及ぼしている可能性が高いが、それはまだ分からないって話か。ヒトの尿は酸性なのかって感心していたら、哺乳類は食べ物によって差があるらしい。よって、草食動物ではアルカリ性だ。

    先日読んだ論文(10.1095/biolreprod67.6.1811)には各種の動物の比較も出ていて(図3)、浸透圧はかなり広い範囲で運動性が認められている。もしかすると、人は雑食なので、尿などの成分も変化しやすく、広い浸透圧の範囲において精子の運動性がみられるように適応してきたのかもしれない。何にせよ、今回読んだ論文で520 mOsmくらいに調整した培地ではヒトの精子機能に影響が出なかったのは、一貫性のある知見のようだ。
