6/9 産業動物獣医師のための論文の探し方


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3. Google Scholarにアクセスし検索する。https://scholar.google.co.jp/
例)「牛、乳房炎」→約 17,600件、「cattle, mastitis」→約 85,600 件(2016/6/9現在)

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例)「cattle, mastitis」→7978件(2016/6/9現在)

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例)「”Mastitis, Bovine”[Mesh]」→6654件(2016/6/9現在)

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ERα in Tac2 Neurons Regulates Puberty Onset in Female Mice

Greenwald-Yarnell ML, Marsh C, Allison MB, Patterson CM, Kasper C, MacKenzie A, Cravo R, Elias CF, Moenter SM, Myers MG

Endocrinology 2016 Apr;157(4):1555-65

PMID: 26862996


A variety of data suggest that estrogen action on kisspeptin (Kiss1)-containing arcuate nucleus neurons (which coexpress Kiss1, neurokinin B (the product of Tac2) and dynorphin (KNDy) neurons restrains reproductive onset and function, but roles for estrogen action in these Kiss1 neurons relative to a distinct population of rostral hypothalamic Kiss1 neurons (which does not express Tac2 or dynorphin) have not been directly tested. To test the role for estrogen receptor (ER)α in KNDy cells, we thus generated Tac2(Cre) and Kiss1(Cre) knock-in mice and bred them onto the Esr1(flox) background to ablate ERα specifically in Tac2-expressing cells (ERα(Tac2)KO mice) or all Kiss1 cells (ERα(Kiss1)KO mice), respectively. Most ERα-expressing Tac2 neurons represent KNDy cells. Arcuate nucleus Kiss1 expression was elevated in ERα(Tac2)KO and ERα(Kiss1)KO females independent of gonadal hormones, whereas rostral hypothalamic Kiss1 expression was normal in ERα(Tac2)KO but decreased in ERα(Kiss1)KO females; this suggests that ERα in rostral Kiss1 cells is crucial for control of Kiss1 expression in these cells. Both ERα(Kiss1)KO and ERα(Tac2)KO females displayed early vaginal opening, early and persistent vaginal cornification, increased gonadotropins, uterine hypertrophy, and other evidence of estrogen excess. Thus, deletion of ERα in Tac2 neurons suffices to drive precocious gonadal hyperstimulation, demonstrating that ERα in Tac2 neurons typically restrains pubertal onset and hypothalamic reproductive drive.

Kiss1ニューロンには2つのpopulationが存在する。AVPVに存在する集団はGnRHのSurge generator、ARCに存在する集団はGnRHのPulse generatorと考えられている。Kiss1ニューロンからEstrogen receprotをKOするとEstrogenのfeedback機構が効かなくなり思春期発来が早まる。その主たる機能はKNDyニューロンが担っていると示す論文。

Maternal Vitamin D Deficiency Programs Reproductive Dysfunction in Female Mice Offspring Through Adverse Effects on the Neuroendocrine Axis

Nicholas C, Davis J, Fisher T, Segal T, Petti M, Sun Y, Wolfe A, Neal-Perry G

Endocrinology 2016 Apr;157(4):1535-45

PMID: 26741195


Vitamin D (VitD) deficiency affects more than 1 billion people worldwide with a higher prevalence in reproductive-aged women and children. The physiological effects of maternal VitD deficiency on the reproductive health of the offspring has not been studied. To determine whether maternal VitD deficiency affects reproductive physiology in female offspring, we monitored the reproductive physiology of C57BL/6J female offspring exposed to diet-induced maternal VitD deficiency at three specific developmental stages: 1) in utero, 2) preweaning, or 3) in utero and preweaning. We hypothesized that exposure to maternal VitD deficiency disrupts reproductive function in exposed female offspring. To test this hypothesis, we assessed vaginal opening and cytology and ovary and pituitary function as well as gonadotropin and gonadal steroid levels in female offspring. The in utero, preweaning, and in utero and preweaning VitD deficiency did not affect puberty. However, all female mice exposed to maternal VitD deficiency developed prolonged and irregular estrous cycles characterized by oligoovulation and extended periods of diestrus. Despite similar gonadal steroid levels and GnRH neuron density, females exposed to maternal VitD deficiency released less LH on the evening of proestrus. When compared with control female offspring, there was no significant difference in the ability of females exposed to maternal VitD deficiency to respond robustly to exogenous GnRH peptide or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. These findings suggest that maternal VitD deficiency programs reproductive dysfunction in adult female offspring through adverse effects on hypothalamic function.


5/6 痙攣性不全麻痺Bovine spastic paresis


Fig1. 痙攣性不全麻痺の成牛(左)と正常な成牛(右)

この状態は「痺れっぽ」とか呼称されているが病名は痙攣性不全麻痺Spastic paresisという。今までは治療の対象外の症例と諦めていたが、少し調べることにした。まずは例のごとくVeterinary manualから。

Spastic Paresis (Elso heel) in Cattle
“Palliative surgical treatment may be attempted, although ethical issues should be considered when breeding stock is involved.”

遺伝性疾患なら、OMIA(Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals)を調べるのが鉄板だ。早速原因が特定されているのか調べてみた。



De Vlamynck C, Pille F, Vlaminck L

Vet. J. 2014 Nov;202(2):229-35

PMID: 25201252


The aetiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of bovine spastic paresis of the gastrocnemius muscle (BSP-G) have been investigated for several decades, but much remains to be elucidated. In some breeds, the proportion of atypical presentations of BSP involving the quadriceps muscle (BSP-Q) and/or several other muscles (mixed presentation, BSP-M) appears to be increasing. Differentiation between BSP-G, -Q and -M is challenging and existing surgical treatments are usually ineffective in cattle affected by one of the atypical forms of the disease. This paper reviews the current knowledge on BSP and addresses several areas where understanding of the disease is incomplete.




三浦 萌ら、黒毛和種子牛における痙攣性不全麻痺の1例、日本家畜臨床学会誌, 32(1), 8-11, 2009
鷲谷 裕昭ら、痙攣性不全麻痺発症後経過の長い初産牛に対して脛骨神経切除術を行った2症例、家畜診療, 59(6), 367-371, 2012


Short communication: Evaluation of vaginal discharge following treatment with a progesterone insert

Fischer-Tenhagen C, von Krueger X, Heuwieser W

J. Dairy Sci. 2012 Aug;95(8):4447-51

PMID: 22818458


Yellowish discharge after application of intravaginal progesterone releasing inserts is frequently observed in cows. The objective of this study was to compare the bacteriological contamination of the vagina and uterus before and after a treatment with a progesterone insert in heifers. Forty-two Holstein heifers received a progesterone releasing insert [Eazi-Breed controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert; Pfizer Animal Health, Berlin, Germany] for 7d. The protruding tail had been removed from half of the inserts (no tail group: n=21; tail group: n=21). Nine heifers from the tail group lost the insert within the 7-d treatment interval and were excluded. Heifers identified in estrus were artificially inseminated on d 9 or 10. Vaginal discharge was scored on a 4-point scale [vaginal discharge score (VDS) 0 to 3] and vaginal swabs were taken for bacteriological examination on d 0 and 7 and the day of artificial insemination (AI). Furthermore, cytological and bacteriological samples were obtained from the uterus on d 7 and the day of AI. On d 0, coliforms and Streptococcus spp. were found in vaginal swabs of 21 heifers (64%). On d 7, all heifers showed purulent vaginal discharge (VDS 2 to 3). The VDS was higher in the tail group compared with the no tail group. Arcanobacterium pyogenes, coliforms, and Streptococcus spp. were isolated from the vaginal swabs in 32 of 33 (96%) heifers on d 7. On the day of AI, VDS had improved to 0 or 1 in 96% of the heifers. However, A. pyogenes, coliforms, and Streptococcus spp. were still isolated in 17 of 33 (53%) heifers from the vagina and in 32 of 33 (96%) heifers from the endometrium. Endometrial cytology revealed polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) in 11 heifers (6 to 32% PMN). Five samples exceeded the threshold of 5% PMN, and 2 samples exceeded the 10% PMN threshold, indicative of subclinical endometritis. In conclusion, pyogenic bacteria were found in the vagina and uterus on d 7 and the day of AI after intravaginal progesterone treatment. The severity of the discharge was affected by the protruding tail of the insert.

Vaginitis(スコア2, 3)はd7では82%もいたが、授精時には10%しかいなかった。
